I have always wanted to get over my poor performance learning languages at high school.
At the age of 13 I was dropped into Latin and French classes where I floundered like a drunk in a three legged race. No matter how much help I got from teachers was never really progress very steadily despite the assistance of my various teachers. Growing up in New Zealand there's not only little opportunity to use a foreign language but also most kids wouldn't really understand the value of it.
After moving to Australia and facing down a period of unemployment I decided that I needed to embrace this area of complete incompetence. I therefore embarked on what would be the first of a series of once a week spanish classes. Three years later I finally visited Spain with very little language skills. Enough to get by and survive but with little hope of holding a conversation.
Lately I've become a convert to Duolingo which through Gamification encourages sustained repeat practice of languages on a smartphone app. You will find my profile there bashing out 50-100xp a day. I've got a couple of friends using Duolingo now and my Dad has just signed up for Spanish in anticipation of visiting us in Spain. Sadly with Covid-19 this is looking unlikely in the short term.
I've subscibed to News in Slow Spanish and the Duolingo Podcasts.
I'm looking for other language learning resources. Let me know if you think there is something I should try.